After A While.....

Am Sorry, Was Offline for so long. But Michael Jackson's Death left me so speechless. I got the news from when he was being transported to the hospital, and sat right in front of my TV, the whole time, praying that the King Of Pop's Reign should continue, and this is not the end. And I couldn't believe when i saw that "He Died At 50". I called my brother in the U.S, to confirm, It was true. Since that day, My Mind is full of only his songs, his old concerts, his music videos. He was truly the King Of Pop, And Nobody Alive Can Or Will Ever Be Able to replace Michael Jackson, Because Legends Can Never Be Replaced.
Every Single Night, I stay up late, and hear his songs, play them on my Keyboard And Guitar. It is fans like us, who will keep him alive in our hearts and souls and will make sure that his music shall never die.