A Few Future Gadget For All You Gadget Freaks!!!!
As you all know i am a gadget freak. And just love to buy the new gadgets on the market, but here is a glimpse of a few future and present gadgets!!!!
NO-1- The New Air Video Screen - which will soon replace our computer monitors and Tv Displays!!!
No-2- I think this is fake but dont know!!!! A Dancing USB SHOE!!!!
No-3- Well This Aint A Gadget, It's Called A Suicidal Plug, Plug It In And Insert Your Fingers, It is what it is!!!

No-4- Here's Something, Well it aint a gadget but i wanted to write about it. It's An Alarm Clock!! It started as an engineering student’s project. Having trouble waking up herself, Gauri Nanda developed Clocky to shriek annoyingly and effectively, waking you up.
The fun doesn’t end there Bro. It leaps off of your night stand, and drives around your room, making random turns and racing away from your grasp. Now you have to get out of bed and hunt the little bugger down to turn it off.

No-5- Here's Something You Dont see Everyday!!! A ballpoint pen which is actually A 1Gb USB Drive!!!

No-6- And Here's My Final Gadget, Something for people who wanna hear music Everywhere. A Water Proof Speaker Dock For The iPod which is shaped like a raindrop!!
NO-1- The New Air Video Screen - which will soon replace our computer monitors and Tv Displays!!!
No-2- I think this is fake but dont know!!!! A Dancing USB SHOE!!!!
No-3- Well This Aint A Gadget, It's Called A Suicidal Plug, Plug It In And Insert Your Fingers, It is what it is!!!

No-4- Here's Something, Well it aint a gadget but i wanted to write about it. It's An Alarm Clock!! It started as an engineering student’s project. Having trouble waking up herself, Gauri Nanda developed Clocky to shriek annoyingly and effectively, waking you up.
The fun doesn’t end there Bro. It leaps off of your night stand, and drives around your room, making random turns and racing away from your grasp. Now you have to get out of bed and hunt the little bugger down to turn it off.

No-5- Here's Something You Dont see Everyday!!! A ballpoint pen which is actually A 1Gb USB Drive!!!

No-6- And Here's My Final Gadget, Something for people who wanna hear music Everywhere. A Water Proof Speaker Dock For The iPod which is shaped like a raindrop!!

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